A place where you can enjoy both wheat and rice cakes together

Myeongga Tteokbokki

πŸ“25-2, Jangteo-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

πŸ“• Tteokbokki 3,500 won

πŸ“• 5 Pieces of Fried Food 3,500 won

πŸ“• Sundae (Korean Sausage) 4,000 won

β€» Menu/prices are subject to change.

⏰ Mon-Sat 10:30 AM – 11:00 PM (Closed on Sunday)

The tteokbokki in the picture is a portion for two people. It’s served generously. The fried coating is on the thicker side. It seems like the owner intentionally makes it thicker for a hearty texture. The fried part is crispy yet chewy. It feels somewhat like eating a croissant. When you dip it in the rich tteokbokki seasoning, the flavor is distinct. Just by looking at it, the transparency of the frying suggests they cook it in clean oil. The seasoning has penetrated well into the tteokbokki. It has absorbed the sauce like a sponge. The wheat tteok is also chewy and pleasantly dense. It’s akin to eating handmade sujebi. The seasoning has a good balance. The right amount of spiciness and sweetness is appealing.

The consideration of the owner is evident. They provide both wheat and rice cakes so that there’s no conflict. It’s reminiscent of the tteokbokki from the front of an elementary school in the old days. For 7,000 won, you can experience happiness. If you head towards Geumnam Market, you’ll find it. Geumnam Market is a traditional market near Geumho Station. It’s a place that carries the weight of time. If you’re in Geumho-dong, you must visit this tteokbokki place. The owner is very friendly and sincere. It’s evident that they put in a lot of effort. It’s likely that if it were in your neighborhood, you would frequent it.

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