Authentic Pizza by a Naples Pizza Champion


πŸ“15, Seongsui-ro 12-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

πŸ“• Garibaldi 25,500 won

πŸ“• Prosciutto Bufala 26,000 won

πŸ“• Ragu Corn Ricotta 22,000 won

β€» Corkage fee: 30,000 won per bottle

β€» Menu/prices are subject to change.

⏰ Wed-Sun 11:30 AM – 9:30 PM (12:00 PM~ on weekends) Break Time 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM (3:30 PM~ on weekends)

This is the real deal, not just an Italian-themed spot but genuinely evokes the feeling of being in Italy. The authenticity is evident, with all ingredients being Italian products. It’s not just an empty claim of being a Naples Pizza Champion. It’s satisfying to discover a delicious wood-fired pizza place after a while. It’s best to visit before their lunch rush or after lunchtime to avoid waiting.

Their signature is the Pizza Garibaldi. Initially, you’ll taste the rich flavor of mild and creamy cheese. Then, your palate will experience a hint of spiciness that’s pleasantly pronounced. The harmonious contrast between the soft cheese and the zesty chili, without overwhelming sauces, is charming. The bread crust is delightfully soft yet chewy, providing a satisfying texture. Another popular choice is the Prosciutto Bufala. Don’t slice it; fold and enjoy. The mild and fresh taste of arugula and buffalo mozzarella, complemented by the subtle saltiness of thin prosciutto, creates a harmonious combination.

Seongsu-dong, home to MarioNE, is one of the liveliest neighborhoods in Seoul, attracting many young people. The area came to life as young artists gathered in old factories and warehouses. Beyond the traces of time-preserved architecture, trendy brand pop-up stores and showrooms coexist. Trendy eateries and cafes are abundant. A youthful spirit and vibrancy fill the air. Exploring the narrow streets here is a truly enjoyable experience.

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